Happiness & Excellence Store

Shift to Shine: Bridging Science and Intuition
This book is about the journey of a Middle-Eastern girl who was born and raised in Kuwait.
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It is about her triumph over numerous challenges and adversities at the personal, cultural, and religious levels and how she surmounted these challenges and transformed her life by overcoming negative belief systems that were holding her back from becoming who she is meant to be.
Paper: 258 pages
Publisher: Raja Mishal; First Edition edition (December 8, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0994921403
ISBN-13: 978-0994921406
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5 inchesback

Make Up Don’t Break Up
People often enter into relationships and start families when they are broken on the inside.
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Each partner brings into the relationship their own emotional baggage and deep-seated emotions that have not been dealt with before starting the relationship.
“Make Up Don’t Break Up” is about supporting you to build meaningful relationships by working on yourself first and healing the wounded child within. Parenting your inner child will make you more successful in your relationships, help you build strong family bonds, and be the best parent you can be.
This book is built on the premise of knowing your core temperament, your core emotional blueprint, and your core love blueprint and offers healing exercises to help you release negative emotions to create the most amazing and meaningful relationships in your life.

Happy Now
A Journey to the Other Side of Depression is about the author’s journey with depression.
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In this book, she describes depression as a guest “The Ghoul” that planted its seeds at an early age of her life. It played the hide and seek game way into her adult life until one day she realized that the hiding part of the game was over. This guest is here to stay and to occupy every aspect of her unhappy life. That is when she started the seeking part of the game with only one condition to get to the other side of depression. The only path she can take was to go on an internal journey of self-discovery and transformation. The author speaks about her life experiences with small accumulated traumatic events, political instability and wars, cultural upbringing and accepted social norms, negative thoughts, and hidden beliefs that got her into depression and how she was able to kick “The Ghoul” guest out of her life and be happy.
Raja is an amazing individual who has challenged herself and have surpassed and broke limits. Her passion in helping others achieve their goals and materialize their vision are accurate and honest. Through our time together she has helped me gain the strength to surpass my own limitations and has helped me bring about calmness on areas of my life that has held me back from my goals.
Thank you Raja for the wonderful session I had with you on Sunday. I highly recommend going to Raja for those that have a lot of questions about their own life and need to find clarity. When I left I felt that my direction is a lot clearer. Thank you again Raja for all the work you do.
Raja Mishal, Ph.D. is a former Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University, and a former Clinical Director of the HLA Laboratory at Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dr. Raja was awarded several National and Provincial awards for her scientific research and publications. She surmounted numerous challenges including mental illness which made her realize that while genetics play an important role in our lives, it does not determine our fate and future if we choose to be happy and attain excellence. Today, she shares her passion, knowledge, and experience with others through her Happiness & Excellences Mentoring Programs which are offered in two languages, English, and Arabic.