Immigrant Women & Stress
Credit: Image by Betti Cohen-Kowalski from Pixabay The following video was inspired by an email sent from one of my readers who read my article that appeared in the "Canadian Newcomers" Newspaper on April 16, 2018 Volume 1 - Issue 1. Hence I am including the article...
Immigration Challenges
Credit: Image by James Wheeler from Pixabay New Home. New Challenges M.A.S.K. for Success You arrived recently to Canada and you find yourself overwhelmed and going through a cultural shock. You are facing so many challenges including language barriers, finding a...
Do you know how stress affects you?
I wonder how many of you still allow this Monster to be in your life… Today, I am getting personal and I want to tell you my story with this Monster in order to expand awareness and offer a different perspective on dealing with it. My “S” monster lived in my inner...
Claim Your Power
The 5th step of Spring Cleansing is at the Soul Level. In this step, we will be working on claiming our Soul Power Back. So many times in life we find ourselves in a situation where we have to give our power away to someone else in order to deal with a stressful...
Spring Cleansing Marathon – Step 4: Energy Cleansing
This week we will be doing the fourth step of Spring cleansing and that is Energy Cleansing. If you have not read my previous blog and you would like to start cleansing with step 1 then click on the following...
Spring Cleansing Marathon – Step 3: Cleansing at the Emotions Level
Spring Cleansing Marathon: Step 3 - Cleansing Emotions This week we will be doing the third step of Spring cleansing and that is Emotions Cleansing. If you have not read my previous blog and you would like to start cleansing with step 1 then click on the following...
Raja Mishal, Ph.D. is a former Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University, and a former Clinical Director of the HLA Laboratory at Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dr. Raja was awarded several National and Provincial awards for her scientific research and publications. She surmounted numerous challenges including mental illness which made her realize that while genetics play an important role in our lives, it does not determine our fate and future if we choose to be happy and attain excellence. Today, she shares her passion, knowledge, and experience with others through her Happiness & Excellences Mentoring Programs which are offered in two languages, English, and Arabic.