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A Dose of Happiness and Excellence
Are You Appreciated in Your Relationships?

Are You Appreciated in Your Relationships?

I was on the phone with one of my clients when she said to me “I quit my job. I quit after working for him for 3.5 years. He did not appreciate me or appreciate anything I have done for him.” This statement made me think about appreciation in relationships in general...

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When was the Last Time You Loved Yourself?

When was the Last Time You Loved Yourself?

Selma woke up early in the morning excited about the day and was looking forward to spending special time with her husband. She wanted the day to be very special particularly that her children are now grown-ups and have left the nest to live their own lives. Today was...

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Raja Mishal, Ph.D. is a former Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University, and a former Clinical Director of the HLA Laboratory at Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dr. Raja was awarded several National and Provincial awards for her scientific research and publications. She surmounted numerous challenges including mental illness which made her realize that while genetics play an important role in our lives, it does not determine our fate and future if we choose to be happy and attain excellence. Today, she shares her passion, knowledge, and experience with others through her Happiness & Excellences Mentoring Programs which are offered in two languages, English, and Arabic.

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